無料個別相談を予約する >
【仮】出願〆切 2025年12月2日
【仮】試験日 2025年12月8日
【仮】結果発表日 2025年12月13日
年度 | 志願者数 | 最終合格 | 倍率 |
募集人員 | 現浪条件 | 評定要件 | 英語要件 |
45 | 現役のみ | 3.8 | 無 |
Application eligibility
The candidate must meet all of the following criteria 1) to 3) and be recommended by the principal of the high school or other institution to which the candidate graduated.
1) Those who have a strong desire to study at the Faculty of International Liberal Arts of our university, who wish to enroll exclusively in the Faculty of International Liberal Arts of our university, and who can guarantee enrollment if accepted
2) Applicants must meet any of the following criteria:
a) Those who have graduated from high school etc.(※) or those who are scheduled to graduate in March 2025 b) Those who have completed 12 years of regular school education in 2024 or those who are scheduled to complete it in March 2025 c) Those who have completed a course at an overseas educational institution that has been certified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as having a course equivalent to a high school course in 2024 or those who are scheduled to complete such course by March 31, 2025 d) Those who have completed a 12-year course at an educational institution accredited by an international evaluation organization (WASC, ACSI, CIS, NEASC) in 2024 or those who are scheduled to complete such course by March 31, 2025 *This includes secondary schools and the upper division of special needs schools.
Applicants must meet either ① or ② of the following criteria.
①Average grade of 3.8 or higher
②Score level VI or higher
* Applicants must be able to obtain a score equal to or above the specified level in one or more external English tests listed in the English Score Comparison Table (Application Guidelines, p. 57) and be able to submit a certificate of such achievement.
statement of reasons for application
research report
self-promotion letter
The interview test will be conducted in Japanese.
The "English" questions include 1) a summary of the English text (Japanese) and 2) questions in which the applicant expresses his or her opinion in English regarding the content of the English text (English composition).
総合型選抜(AO入試・推薦入試)・小論文対策の個別指導塾 洋々が運営するウェブメディア「洋々LABO」編集部です。総合型選抜(AO推薦)や学校推薦型選抜を中心に、日々の指導現場の視点から受験生のみなさんに役立つ情報を発信します!東京・渋谷に所在しています。