University Essay Writing and Interview Service

3.29 (Sat) Free event – How to improve your IELTS score seminar

洋々 > Youyou Corporation > Free events > 3.29 (Sat) Free event – How to improve your IELTS score seminar

How to improve your IELTS score seminar
Recently, many Japanese universities have started to require prospective students to submit some form of English proficiency test. One of the most widely accepted tests is IELTS.

The purpose of this seminar is to help students identify ways in which they can increase their score on the IELTS in order to make themselves more competitive and increase their chances of being accepted to a school with English proficiency requirements.

Some programs with IELTS requirements include
・Waseda University: SILS, JCulP, TAISI
・Keio University: PEARL
・Sophia University: FLA
・Rikkyo University: GLAP
・International Christian University: Universal Admissions

This seminar will be primarily conducted in English, but with occasional Japanese.
The contents of this seminar will be the same as the seminar done on February 15, 2025.

How to improve your TOEFL/IELTS score seminar

High school students interested in improving their IELTS score and/or their parents/guardians.

●Time and date
March 29, 2025 (Sat.) 14:00-15:00

●Seminar contents
・Introduction to IELTS
・Making an efficient study schedule
・Audience question & answer


●Entrance fee
Event is free
This seminar will be given using a mixture of Japanese and English

Please apply using the form below.

\ Applications for free consultation service are also available /
You can also apply for free individual consultation.
In addition to answering individual questions, we can propose strategies for concurrent applications that suit your situation.

▼ Application form ▼

March 27 (Thu) 0900

<Contact information>
Youyou Corporation
Tel:03-6433-5130(Mon-Fri 14:00-21:00, Sat 10:00-19:00. Closed Wed. and Sun.)

Please feel free to contact us for additional information.