How I write effectively and quickly

Today I want to talk about something that I have discussed with my students several times recently. Some of them have mentioned that they sometimes have difficulty writing essays for various reasons. Sometimes they have difficulty with getting started. Sometimes they have difficulty deciding what to say. Sometimes they know what they want to say but have difficulty with finding a way to type or write what it is that they want to say. There are other things that might be difficult, whether it’s spelling or punctuation or grammar or even something else entirely, but I have found a way that helps me to easily write strong and well-planned essays in only minutes.

Basically, the first thing that I do is to understand what it is that I need to write about. This goes beyond simply reading the question, as the writer must first understand what it is that the question is asking for. Once I understand what the question is asking for, I will immediately decide what structure I want to use to answer the question. Once I do this, I’ll decide on the content and write what I need to write.

With this approach, I have found it very easy to write quickly and effectively. I think that, with practice, it is very easy for me, or for anyone else, for that matter, to be able to quickly and easily write a suitable essay for almost any purpose.

While this does allow the writer to quickly write essays, it is still best to take your time. Rushing through the process of writing your essay is generally something that I specifically advise against doing, especially for more important essays. I once did this with a major project for my university major. While the end product turned out to be fine, I should have allowed myself a considerably greater amount of time to write my essay instead of waiting until several hours before the submission deadline to even get started. I still got an extremely good score on this assignment, but this was definitely not the best decision that I have made at the time, and at the time that I submitted it, I felt that it was not nearly as strong as it could have been.

Take your time to plan your essays. Don’t rush through them, especially for more important ones. Since then, I’ve given myself more time to plan what I want to write in advance so as to not put myself in a stressful situation with a strict deadline.

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