早稲田大学国際教養学部(SILS)の4月入学選考(国外AO)・9月入学とは?入試概要や対策のコツを徹底解説! | 総合型選抜の個別指導塾 洋々


総合型選抜の個別指導塾 洋々 > 各大学の総合型選抜・学校推薦型選抜 > 早稲田大学:総合型・学校推薦型選抜 > 早稲田大学国際教養学部(SILS)の4月入学選考(国外AO)・9月入学とは?入試概要や対策のコツを徹底解説!


こちらのページでは、早稲田大学国際教養学部(School of International Liberal Studies, SILS)の4月入学選考(国外AO)および9月入学選考の入試概要と対策の方法について紹介します。

早稲田大学国際教養学部・SILS(School of International Liberal Studies)とは?








9月入学の出願期間Early AdmissionRegular Admissionの2つに分けられており、受験生はどちらか一つの期間を選択します(併願不可)。Early Admisssionは例年1月初旬~中旬に、Regular Admissionは1月中旬~2月上旬に出願受付が行われます。

Early Admissionに出願した受験生はまずEarly Decisionという選考枠にて審査が行われ、合格した受験生には3月上旬に合格の通知が行われます。この時点で合格とならなかった受験生はWait-Listed(待機枠)に振り分けられ、Regular Admissionの受験生と共に、再度審査が行われます。なお、Early Decisionの時点でFail(不合格)となる可能性もありますのでご注意ください。

Regular Admissionの受験生、およびEarly AdmissionでWait-Listed枠となった受験生の審査の結果は3~4月に行われ、4月後半に結果が発表されます。

やや複雑な選考プロセスではありますが、要するにEarly Admissionで出願する受験生は、審査のチャンスをが2回得られることになります。そのため洋々では、特別な事情が無い限り、Early Admissionでの出願を強く推奨しております。







Standardized Test(統一試験のスコア)

 ・GCE Advanced Level





 ・IELTS Academic Module

ただし、SATやACT、GCE Advanced Levelなどの、カリキュラムの主要言語が英語である統一試験のスコアを提出する場合、英語能力試験のスコア提出は不要となります。










Waseda SILS AO April Entry (Overseas) and AO September Entry

This page provides an overview of the School of International Liberal Studies (SILS) at Waseda University, its admission process of AO April Entry (Overseas) and AO September Entry, and how you can best prepare for the admission process.

What is SILS (School of International Liberal Studies)?

Waseda University’s School of International Liberal Studies (hereafter SILS), newly established in 2004, is a liberal arts faculty that aims to develop individuals with expertise in a wide range of academic fields and disciplines, as well as advanced communication skills in English.

SILS is a pioneer in liberal arts education at Waseda University, allowing students to study across a range of disciplines. SILS also specifies a one-year study abroad requirement for graduation, which allows students to study at universities in the USA and the UK, as well as in Europe and Asia.

The majority of classes are conducted in English, and SILS is also characterized by its international environment, with many international students studying here.

Application Period

SILS has separate entrance examinations for April and September admissions.

The April intake consists of two entrance examinations: AO April Entry (Domestic) for high school students and graduates in Japan, and the AO April Entry (Overseas) for high school students and graduates educated outside Japan (this article explains the entrance examination for high school students and graduates educated outside Japan. Click here for the article on AO April Entry Domestic).

The September intake is not divided into the above-mentioned categories and is open to all eligible applicants (however, most applicants are high school students and graduates who were educated outside Japan).

The number of applicants is 100 for AO April Entry (Overseas) and 150 for September admission.

The application period for AO April Entry (Overseas) is usually from late August to early September. The selection results are announced in late November of the same year. If the university decides that an interview is necessary, an interview is held around November.

The application period for September Entry is divided into Early Admission and Regular Admission, and candidates may apply for either one or the other (no two applications are accepted at the same time).

Regular Admission is typically open from mid-January to early February. Candidates applying for Early Admission will first be assessed in the Early Decision slot, and those who are successful will be notified of their acceptance in early March. Candidates who are not successful at this stage are placed on the wait-list (dubbed as Wait-Listed) and will be assessed again together with the Regular Admission candidates. However, please note that it is possible that you could get rejected at the Early Decision stage.

The results of the screening of Regular Admission candidates and candidates who were on the wait-list (Wait-Listed) in Early Admission will take place in March/April, with the results announced in late April.

The selection process is somewhat complicated, but in essence, candidates applying through Early Admission get two chances to be assessed. For this reason, we strongly recommend Early Admission applications unless there are special circumstances.

For both AO April Entry (Overseas) and September Entry, the application screening is the core of the selection process, and candidates who are deemed by the university to require an interview will be required to sit for an interview.

Required Documents for Application

Among the application documents, the following require particularly thorough preparation:

Essay (Statement of Purpose, approximately 800 words)

An essay in English explaining the reasons for applying to SILS is required. The essay should cover the following points, as requested in recent entrance exams:
 ・What you intend to study during your enrollment
 ・The field you wish to focus on and reasons for your choice
 ・Your career plans after graduation


Standardized Test Scores

You must submit at least one of the following:
 ・International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB)
 ・CSAT (Republic of Korea)
 ・GCE Advanced Level
 ・Gaokao (China)

Each test has specific requirements set by the university. Please check the latest information on the university’s website and the SILS admissions guidelines.
Please also keep in mind that starting from the selection process for admission in September 2026, if you fall into one of these categories below, submission of SAT or ACT scores is mandatory.

・Standardized tests may be conducted after the application deadline.
・Standardized test scores may not be available before the application deadline.
・You are in a country where standardized tests are not conducted.


English Test Scores

You must submit a score from one of the following English proficiency tests:
 ・IELTS Academic Module

However, if you submit scores from standardized tests where the main language of instruction is English, such as the SAT, ACT, or GCE Advanced Level, you do not need to submit an English proficiency test score.

Important Considerations for Application Preparation

Improving scores on standardized and English proficiency tests can be achieved alone, but crafting a compelling essay that impresses university faculty during document and interview evaluations is challenging.

In particular, the essay should clearly convey the following to the reader:

 ・Strong enthusiasm to study at SILS
 ・What you want to study at SILS and why
 ・How you will utilize what you learn at SILS in the future

If the content of your statement of purpose lacks persuasiveness, your chances of being accepted will be greatly reduced. Therefore, it is important to carefully reflect on your past experiences and consider what you want to do in the future before writing your statement of purpose.

What Can We (洋々/Youyou) Do for You?

We offer individually customized support sessions that include discussions with instructors. You will be assigned one mentor (university student) and one “professional” instructor to assist you.
We also host events to enhance your understanding of your chosen topic and to facilitate networking with peers who can offer support.
Additionally, you can attend these support sessions and events online through a meeting app like Zoom, eliminating the need to travel to Shibuya.

Every instructor will diligently assist you in preparing your application to Keio PEARL. If you have any questions, please contact us through the form below.



Although we strive to ensure the authenticity of the information below in a timely manner, please check the faculty’s website, application booklets, and other relevant notifications for the most updated information.The author and publisher disclaim any liability for any consequences, directly or indirectly, related to the use of the information provided in this article.

総合型選抜とは? / 志望理由書の書き方 / 自己推薦書の書き方 / 小論文の書き方 / 大学受験の面接


