早稲田大学政治経済学部:英語学位プログラム(EDP) | 総合型選抜の個別指導塾 洋々



こちらのページでは、早稲田大学政治経済学部(School of Political Science and Economics, SPSE)の英語学位プログラム(English Based Degree Program, EDP)の入試概要と対策の方法について紹介します。








政治経済学部には政治学科、経済学科、国際政治経済学科の3つの学科(註:募集要項ではDepartmentではなくDegreeと表記されています)があり、政経EDPの受験者はこれらから1つを選択し、卒業時にはそれぞれB.A. in Political Science、B.A. in Economics、B.A. in Global Political Economyを授与されます。3学科で合計100人の募集となり、学科毎の人数の上限は設けられていません。


 ・SAT 1441.3
 ・ACT 32.1
 ・IBDP 38.2/42








Write an essay of around 1000 words that explains why you want to study at the School of Political Science and Economics at Waseda University. In particular, describe the reasons for your selected degree (political science, economics, or global political economy) and your plans for using what you learn in the future. Your essay should reflect your own personal perspectives and experiences.



なお、募集要項には太字で”This statement is of particular importance in the document screening process(このエッセイは書類選考における重要な資料となります)”とあるため、統一試験や英語資格のスコアが高くても油断せず、以上の4点について審査担当者に「刺さる」内容のエッセイをしっかりと作成する必要があります。

Standardized Test(統一試験のスコア)

 ・GCE Advanced Level




・IELTS Academic Module
















WASEDA School of Political Science and Economics, English Based Degree Program

This page provides an overview of the School of Political Science and Economics (SPSE) at Waseda University and how you can best prepare for the admission process of the English Degree Program (EDP) offered by the faculty.


What is the English Degree Program (EDP) at the School of Political Science and Economics (SPSE) at Waseda University?

The School of Political Science and Economics at Waseda University started the English Degree Program (hereinafter referred to as EDP) in September 2010. While the School of Political Science and Economics accepts about 800 students who are native Japanese speakers each year, it accepts approximately 100 students in the EDP.

In EDP, students can widely study general education subjects such as politics, economics, culture, philosophy, and religion, as well as acquire knowledge in statistics and data analysis, which are widely demanded in modern society. EDP students mainly take courses and seminars conducted in English, but since many courses are offered in both Japanese and English, bilingual EDP students can also take classes in Japanese to deepen their understanding of the subjects.

The School of Political Science and Economics is considered a flagship department of Waseda University, and particularly, the faculty members of the EDP have extensive research and teaching experience at prestigious universities in Europe and the United States.


Application Period

The admission period for EDP is set for September each year. The selection process consists of document screening, which includes a statement of purpose, standardized test scores such as SAT and IB, and English proficiency test scores such as TOEFL and IELTS. Only applicants who are specified by the university will proceed to the interview stage (not being invited to the interview stage does NOT mean you are destined to get rejected).

Three degrees are available to students: B.A. in Political Science, B.A. in Economics, and B.A. in Global Political Economy. Applicants for EDP must choose one of these degrees at the time of application. A total of 100 students will be admitted across the three degrees, with no set quota for each department.

According to the official page, the average standardized test scores of successful applicants for the 2021-2023 academic years are as follows:

 ・SAT: 1441.3
 ・ACT: 32.1
 ・IBDP: 38.2/42

Additionally, the breakdown of the number of applicants and successful candidates is as follows (also from the official website):

YearThe Number of Applicants (A)Successful Applicants (B)Competition Ratio (A÷B)


Required Documents and Examination for Application



The Statement of Purpose is an English essay of about 1000 words. According to the latest application guidelines (for September 2024 entry), the prompt is as follows:

Write an essay of around 1000 words that explains why you want to study at the School of Political Science and Economics at Waseda University. In particular, describe the reasons for your selected degree (political science, economics, or global political economy) and your plans for using what you learn in the future. Your essay should reflect your own personal perspectives and experiences.

In other words, your essay needs to address the following four points:

 ・Why you want to study at EDP
 ・The reason for choosing your selected degree
 ・How you plan to use what you learn at EDP in your future
 ・Your set of values and experiences related to these points

It is noted in bold in the application guidelines: “This statement is of particular importance in the document screening process,” so even if your standardized test or English proficiency scores are high, do not be complacent. You need to carefully craft an essay that will resonate with the reviewers on these four points.

Standardized Test Scores

You must submit at least one of the following:

 ・International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB)
 ・CSAT (Republic of Korea)
 ・GCE Advanced Level
 ・Gaokao (China)

Regardless of which test score(s) you submit, mathematics must be included in your examination. Although you could still apply without the scores of mathematics, it could disadvantage your application compared with those who submit the score(s) with mathematics.
Be noted that each test has specific requirements set by the university. Please check the latest information on the university’s website and the EDP admissions guidelines.

English Test Scores

You must submit a score from one of the following English proficiency tests:

 ・IELTS Academic Module

There are specifications on how to prepare and send these documents to the school, so please make sure that you personally check the latest application guide.


Important Considerations for Application Preparation

Improving your scores on standardized tests and English proficiency examinations can be done on your own, but it is challenging to prepare a compelling statement of purpose or written exam that will impress the university faculty responsible for document screening by yourself.

Since EDP specifies in the application guidelines that the statement of purpose is a “particularly important document in the selection process,” your essay must not only answer the questions but also effectively convey the following elements to the reader:

 ・A strong passion for wanting to study at the SPSE EDP
 ・What you want to learn at the SPSE EDP and why
 ・How you plan to use what you learn at the SPSE EDP in the future
 ・Experiences that have shaped your values

If your essay lacks persuasiveness or is deemed inferior to those of other applicants, your chances of being accepted will be very low. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully reflect on your past and thoroughly consider what you want to achieve in the future before writing your statement of purpose.


What Can We (洋々/Youyou) Do for You?

We offer individually customized support sessions that include discussions with instructors. Each student will be assigned one mentor (a university student) and one “professional” instructor to assist them.

Additionally, we host events to deepen your understanding of your chosen topic and to facilitate networking with peers who can provide support. These support sessions and events are accessible online via platforms like Zoom, eliminating the need to travel to Shibuya.

Every instructor will diligently assist you in preparing your application. If you have any questions, please contact us through the form below.



Although we strive to ensure the authenticity of the information below in a timely manner, please check the faculty’s website, application booklets, and other relevant notifications for the most updated information.The author and publisher disclaim any liability for any consequences, directly or indirectly, related to the use of the information provided in this article.

総合型選抜とは? / 志望理由書の書き方 / 自己推薦書の書き方 / 小論文の書き方 / 大学受験の面接


