早稲田大学社会科学部の英語学位プログラムAO入試(TAISI)とは?入試概要や対策のコツを徹底解説! | 総合型選抜の個別指導塾 洋々


総合型選抜の個別指導塾 洋々 > 各大学の総合型選抜・学校推薦型選抜 > 早稲田大学:総合型・学校推薦型選抜 > 早稲田大学社会科学部の英語学位プログラムAO入試(TAISI)とは?入試概要や対策のコツを徹底解説!


こちらのページでは、早稲田大学社会科学部の英語学位プログラム・TAISI(the Transnational and Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Innovation program)と、入試対策の方法について紹介します。

TAISI(Transnational and Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Innovation program)とは?






出願期間は1年度につき3回あり、第1回(First Round)が1月初旬から中旬、第2回(Second Round)が第1回のすぐ後の1月中旬・下旬から2月中旬、第3回(Third Round)が4月下旬から5月上旬となっています。いずれの出願期間においても、出願〆切から1-2ヵ月後に結果が発表されます。



Statement of Purpose (志望理由書、1000語ほど)


Question 1: Identify social issue(s) which you desire to address, mentioning your own achievements/experiences which have shaped your motivation.
問1: 受験者自身のモチベーション涵養につながった活動の成果や経験について言及しつつ、自らが取り組みたい社会問題を説明せよ。

Question 2: During your time at TAISI, what do you hope to learn and how do you think the TAISI program will help you resolve the social issue(s) you identified in question 1?


Standardzsed Test(統一試験のスコア)


 ・GCE Advanced Level




 ・IELTS Academic Module

ただし、SATやACT、GCE Advanced Levelなどの、カリキュラムの主要言語が英語である統一試験のスコアを提出する場合、英語能力試験のスコア提出は不要となります。







総合型選抜の塾 洋々では、完全個別指導で、TAISIの受験を目指す皆さんを強力にバックアップいたします。







This page introduces the TAISI (the Transnational and Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Innovation program), an English-language degree program in the School of Social Sciences at Waseda University.

What is TAISI (the Transnational and Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Innovation program)?

In September 2011, the School of Social Sciences at Waseda University launched an English degree program called TAISI. TAISI aims to cultivate individuals capable of creating transformative innovations with significant social impact, and the courses are primarily taught in English.

The School of Social Sciences at Waseda University is highly popular among applicants, and students in the TAISI program also have opportunities to interact and collaborate with students aiming for Japanese degrees.


Application Period

Since 2023, TAISI has unified its enrollment period to September. This unification should make it easier for international students who have been educated abroad to avoid any gaps before starting their studies.

For the academic year 2023, the program was seeking to admit 60 students. In addition to a document review, an interview is required for applicants whom the university deems necessary to assess further.

There are three application rounds each year. The First Round runs from early to mid-January, the Second Round immediately follows from mid to late January through mid-February, and the Third Round takes place from late April to early May. The results are announced 1-2 months after the application deadline for each period.


Required Documents for Application

Among the application documents, the following require particularly thorough preparation:

Statement of Purpose (approximately 1000 words)

You must submit an essay in English explaining your reasons for applying to TAISI. In the most recent admission process, applicants were required to ensure that the essay addressed the two questions that follow:

Question 1: Identify social issue(s) you wish to address, mentioning your own achievements/experiences which have shaped your motivation.

Question 2: What do you hope to learn during your time at TAISI, and how do you think the TAISI program will help you resolve the social issue(s) you identified in question 1?


Standardized Test Scores

You must submit at least one of the following:

 ・International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB)
 ・CSAT (Republic of Korea)
 ・GCE Advanced Level
 ・Gaokao (China)

Each test has specific requirements set by the university. Please check the latest information on the university’s website and the TAISI admissions guidelines.

English Test Scores

You must submit a score from one of the following English proficiency tests:

 ・IELTS Academic Module

However, if you submit scores from standardized tests where the main language of instruction is English, such as the SAT, ACT, or GCE Advanced Level, you do not need to submit an English proficiency test score.

Important Considerations for Application Preparation

Improving scores on standardized and English proficiency tests can be achieved alone, but crafting a compelling Statement of Purpose that impresses university faculty during document and interview evaluations is challenging.

In particular, the Statement of Purpose must clearly convey the following to the reader:

 ・A strong enthusiasm for wanting to study at TAISI.
 ・A societal issue that you are deeply passionate about.

Solid reasons why TAISI is essential for your career development.

If an applicant fails to convincingly express their passion and conviction towards a social issue, their chances of being accepted into TAISI become significantly lower.

What Can We (洋々/Youyou) Do for You?

We offer individually customized support sessions that include discussions with instructors. You will be assigned one mentor (university student) and one “professional” instructor to assist you.

We also host events to enhance your understanding of your chosen topic and to facilitate networking with peers who can offer support.

Additionally, you can attend these support sessions and events online through a meeting app like Zoom, eliminating the need to travel to Shibuya.

Every instructor will diligently assist you in preparing your application. If you have any questions, please contact us through the form below.



Although we strive to ensure the authenticity of the information below in a timely manner, please check the faculty’s website, application booklets, and other relevant notifications for the most updated information.The author and publisher disclaim any liability for any consequences, directly or indirectly, related to the use of the information provided in this article.

総合型選抜とは? / 志望理由書の書き方 / 自己推薦書の書き方 / 小論文の書き方 / 大学受験の面接


