早稲田大学国際教養学部のAO入試(4月入学者用・国内選考)とは?入試概要や対策のコツを徹底解説! | 総合型選抜の個別指導塾 洋々


総合型選抜の個別指導塾 洋々 > 各大学の総合型選抜・学校推薦型選抜 > 早稲田大学:総合型・学校推薦型選抜 > 早稲田大学国際教養学部のAO入試(4月入学者用・国内選考)とは?入試概要や対策のコツを徹底解説!



こちらのページでは、早稲田大学国際教養学部(School of International Liberal Studies, SILS)のAO入学試験(4月入学、以下国内AO)の入試概要と対策の方法について紹介します。

早稲田大学国際教養学部・SILS(School of International Liberal Studies)とは?



SILSの国内AOは例年9月初旬に書類の提出期間が設けられ、10月末に筆記試験(Critical Writing)が実施されます。審査は提出書類および筆記試験の成績を基に行われ、面接試験は現在では行われていません。結果は11月下旬に発表されます。














・IELTS Academic Module


筆記試験(Critical Writing)

全ての受験者は、Critical Writingという筆記審査を受験します。Critical Writingは英語で書かれた文章を読解し自分の意見を論述する形式の試験で、120分の制限時間が設けられています。2024年度の問題構成は英語長文3つからなり、これらの内容読解などの問題に加えて、2つの論述問題が出題されました。





また、Critical Writingで高得点を得るためには、英単語の学習や英文読解の練習のみならず、時事問題などに関する自分の意見を論理的かつ誤りの無い英文で述べられる実力を涵養する必要があります。Critical Writingは日本国内の英語入試問題でもトップクラスの難易度を誇りますので、英語に自信がある人でも油断は禁物です(事実、英語の資格試験でハイスコアを保有している受験生すらも不合格となるケースが毎年発生しています)。


志望理由書の準備サポートに加えて、社会人講師によるCritical Writingの個別対策サポートも行っており、こちらもZoomでの受講が可能です。




Waseda SILS AO April Entry

This page provides an overview of the School of International Liberal Studies (SILS) at Waseda University, its admission process of the AO April Entry (Domestic), and how you can best prepare for the admission process.

What is SILS (School of International Liberal Studies)?

Waseda University’s School of International Liberal Studies (hereafter SILS), newly established in 2004, is a liberal arts faculty that aims to develop individuals with expertise in a wide range of academic fields and disciplines, as well as advanced communication skills in English.
SILS is a pioneer in liberal arts education at Waseda University, allowing students to study across a range of disciplines. SILS also specifies a one-year study abroad requirement for graduation, which allows students to study at universities in the USA and the UK, as well as in Europe and Asia.
The majority of classes are conducted in English, and SILS is also characterized by its international environment, with many international students studying here.

Application Period

The AO April Entry (Domestic) of SILS usually has a document submission period in early September, with a writing test (Critical Writing) held at the end of October. Evaluation is based on submitted documents and Critical Writing’s scores, with no interview conducted at present. Results are usually announced in late November.
The AO April Entry (Domestic) is primarily intended for high school students and graduates enrolled in domestic educational programs in Japan. Therefore, students residing abroad or enrolled in foreign educational programs within Japan must take the overseas AO (for April or September admission). For details on the overseas AO, click here. If you are uncertain on which AO scheme is applicable to you, please contact the SILS admissions office.
The recruitment quota is 100, and the number of applicants and the competition ratio for the fiscal years 2022-2024 are as follows (Reference: https://www.waseda.jp/fire/sils/applicants/data/):

YearThe Number of ApplicantsThe Number of Applicants Who Actually Took the Test
Successful Applicants
Competition Ratio


Required Documents and Examination for Application

Among the application documents, the following require particularly thorough preparation:

Essay (A statement of purpose and two mini-essays)

For the AO April Entry (Domestic), applicants are to write one statement of purpose essay and two mini-essays on a specific subject in Japanese. The following is an excerpt from the actual essay prompts of the 2024 admission (Source: https://www.waseda.jp/fire/sils/applicants/admission/)




Please note that starting from the admission process for the year 2026 and onward, statement of purpose essays will become one of the actual test subjects in addition to Critical Writing. While you will no longer be required to prepare the essays prior to submitting your application, it is still equally crucial that you carefully reflect on why you wish to study at SILS in order to impress the examiners.


English Test Scores

You must submit a score from one of the following English proficiency tests:
・Eiken / 英検
・IELTS Academic Module

There are specifications on how to prepare and send these documents to the school, so please make sure that you personally check the latest application guide.。

Critical Writing

All applicants need to take Critical Writing (a writing examination). In Critical Writing, applicants are to read passages written entirely in English, answer questions, and compose an essay in response to the questions set out. The year 2024’s Critical Writing had three English passages, and there were two essay questions, along with reading comprehension questions.

Important Considerations for Application Preparation

Improving scores on English proficiency tests can be achieved alone, but crafting compelling essays that impress university faculty and preparing well for the Critical Writing test alone are, without a doubt, challenging.

In particular, the essays should clearly convey the following to the reader:

 ・Strong motivation to study at SILS
 ・What you want to study at SILS and why
 ・How you will utilize what you learn at SILS in the future
 ・An international experience that significantly influenced you
 ・An activity you engaged in with enthusiasm

If the content of your statement of purpose lacks persuasiveness, your chances of being accepted will be greatly reduced. Therefore, it is important to carefully reflect on your past experiences and consider what you want to do in the future before writing your statement of purpose.
On top of that, you need to possess an advanced level of English proficiency AND the ability to effectively argue your stance on a variety of current affairs in correctly written English. Because Critical Writing is considered one of the most difficult English examinations for undergraduate programs in Japan, being fluent in English alone does not guarantee you a successful result. In fact, we see students with exceptional scores in English proficiency examinations failing to be shortlisted every year.

What Can We (洋々/Youyou) Do for You?

We offer individually customized support sessions that include discussions with instructors. Each student will be assigned one mentor (a university student) and one “professional” instructor to assist them.
Additionally, we host events to deepen your understanding of your chosen topic and to facilitate networking with peers who can provide support. These support sessions and events are accessible online via platforms like Zoom, eliminating the need to travel to Shibuya.

We also provide individualized support sessions to help you prepare for the Critical Writing tests, which are also available on Zoom.

Moreover, “expert” instructors offer fully-individualized support sessions for the Critical Writing test, also accessible on Zoom.

Every instructor will diligently assist you in preparing your application. If you have any questions, please contact us through the form below.



Although we strive to ensure the authenticity of the information below in a timely manner, please check the faculty’s website, application booklets, and other relevant notifications for the most updated information.The author and publisher disclaim any liability for any consequences, directly or indirectly, related to the use of the information provided in this article.

総合型選抜とは? / 志望理由書の書き方 / 自己推薦書の書き方 / 小論文の書き方 / 大学受験の面接


