慶應義塾大学SFC(総合政策・環境情報)の冬AO(グローバル)入試とは?入試概要や対策のコツを徹底解説! | 総合型選抜の個別指導塾 洋々


総合型選抜の個別指導塾 洋々 > 各大学の総合型選抜・学校推薦型選抜 > 慶應義塾大学:総合型選抜 > 慶應義塾大学SFC(総合政策・環境情報)の冬AO(グローバル)入試とは?入試概要や対策のコツを徹底解説!

冬AO(グローバル)/ Winter AO (Global) [Admissions for the GIGA Program]




*1 総合政策学部、環境情報学部各25名。


慶應SFC 冬AO入試入学スケジュール






慶應SFC 冬AO入試の特徴


冬AO (グローバル)はその年の9月入学または翌年4月入学を希望する受験生を対象とする入試です。









Ⅰ.「志望理由・入学後の学習計画・自己アピール(Personal Statement)」


英語4,000字以内(約800word)の文章で表現する①「志望理由書(Essay)」と、A4またはレターサイズの用紙 2枚以内で自由に表現する②「自由記述(Presentation slides)」に分かれています。


Ⅱ.「活動報告(List of Achievements)」




Ⅲ.「任意提出書類(Optional Materials)」



Ⅳ.「志願者評価(Applicant Evaluation Forms)」




Ⅴ.「3分間のプレゼンテーションビデオ(Three-minute Presentation Video [in English])」




洋々の慶應SFC AO入試対策プラン

洋々では慶應SFC AO入試の出願から2次選考までサポートするプランをご用意しております。
出願書類(志望理由書・自由記述・活動報告) → 洋々の書類作成講座の特徴
面接 → 洋々の面接講座



An Essential Guide to Keio GIGA Admission

While we make every effort to provide the most up-to-date information, please refer to the faculty’s website, application booklets, and other relevant notifications for the latest updates.

The author and publisher disclaim any liability for any direct or indirect consequences related to the use of the information provided in this article.


What is Keio GIGA, and What Are the Benefits of the Program?

Keio University’s GIGA (Global Information and Governance Academic) Program, located at the Keio SFC Campus (Shonan Fujisawa Campus), offers an English degree program for students in either the Faculty of Policy Management or the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies.

This program places significant emphasis on interdisciplinary studies, and students can acquire essential perspectives needed to solve today’s complex and diverse problems.

GIGA courses and classes are conducted in English, and there are no prerequisites for Japanese language proficiency for students. The entire application process is also conducted in English.

Keio SFC is renowned for its excellence in multifaceted and interdisciplinary education in Japan, offering numerous advantages to its students and alumni.

Applicants are required to choose which faculty to apply to (you can apply to only ONE of the faculties).


When Can I Apply for the Program?

Successful applicants may matriculate in either September or the following April, with the application period typically open from December to January. The admission office recommends that those without sufficient Japanese language proficiency select September as their matriculation period.

Applicants must complete the application online and send designated documents to the admission office by post.

Depending on your location, sending documents by post may take a considerable amount of time. We highly recommend that applicants prepare their documents and materials well in advance to avoid the risk of missing the application deadline.


What Do I Need to Prepare for My Application? Is There an Interview or Written Test?

The application process requires several important documents and items, including:

List of Achievements: You should describe your past achievements (not limited to the academic field) and explain why they are essential. If you want to mention an award or a result of an event or competition, you need to upload proof in the “Optional Materials” section.

Personal Statement: You need to submit an essay (approximately 800 words) and presentation slides (up to two A4 letter-size pages). These should contain the following four components: “Statement of purpose” to explain why you are applying to GIGA, “Study plan at the university” to outline what you plan to focus on after enrollment, “Self-presentation” to clarify how you can contribute to SFC, and “Future plans” to describe your future dreams.

Three-minute Presentation Video in English: In this video, you are expected to demonstrate your reasons for applying to GIGA, your study plan, and your future goals.

Similar to Keio PEARL (the Faculty of Economics’ English degree program), there is no interview; the evaluation is solely based on the documents and items you submit.


What Do I Need to Be Cautious About?

The GIGA admission process pays close attention to identifying the problem(s) that need to be resolved, why they matter to you, and how you plan to realize your dream.

However, creating impressive and exceptional documents and materials is not an easy task. You need to convey:

Your passion for studying at GIGA.
What makes you a suitable candidate for the program.
How you intend to apply what you learn at GIGA in the future.

To achieve this, you should reflect on your past experiences, your current situation, and your vision for the future. However, this can be a complex task that may require external assistance.

It’s crucial to understand that, despite the absence of interviews or written tests, the application process is not easy. If your personal statements or presentation fail to impress the examiners, you won’t have another chance to compensate for a lack of effort.


What Can We Do for You?

We offer individually customized support sessions that include discussions with instructors. You will be assigned one university student and one “professional” instructor to assist you, and they will help craft documents and materials that are sure to impress the examiners.

We also host events to enhance your understanding of your chosen topic and facilitate networking with peers who can offer support.

Additionally, you can attend these support sessions and events online through a meeting app like Zoom, eliminating the need to travel to Shibuya.

If you have any questions, please contact us through the form below.


総合型選抜とは? / 志望理由書の書き方 / 自己推薦書の書き方 / 小論文の書き方 / 大学受験の面接


